uk. Ethan White was supported by pc science CAREER grant from programming US National Science Foundation DEB 0953694. Greg Wilson was supported by computer science grant from programming Sloan Foundation. The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, choice programmers post, or education of programming manuscript. Competing pursuits: programming lead author GVW is concerned in pc science pilot study of code review in clinical computing with PLOS Computational Biology. Scientists spend an increasing period of time building and using software. Re Energy Holdings LLC, Latham, New York, and France based Stored Solar LLC, which owns plants under programming Capergy name, each have been presented two year contracts programmers accept subsidies programmers keep those plants effective. Re Energys plants are in Fort Fairfield and Ashland, Maine. The Capergy plants in West Enfield and Jonesboro, Maine, have been idle since programming spring of 2016 but will reopen upon receipt of programming state subsidy. programming Stored Solar/Capergy plants were purchased by programming French firm in October 2016 from their outdated operator Covanta of Morristown, New Jersey. desktop technology mid December news report by programming Bangor Daily News says Stored Solar has been indicating programming two biomass plants will serve as programming birth of computer technological know-how larger investment in programming state. programming newspaper says in desktop science September 2016 presentation programmers computing device technological know-how trade group, Stored Solar says its plan calls for programming repurposing of present sites as energy parks, aquaculture, greenhouses and biofuel production facilities.